I have a particular taste in music. I like all kinds but I definitely lean a little toward some songs that could easily be dismissed as empty little pop tunes. And I lean toward these little gems because I genuinely like them - not for the sake of pop irony or anything…I’m not that clever! There’s so much self-seriousness in today’s music - I blame Pearl Jam for this.
So here it goes a list of (insert drum roll here)
(in no particular order)
Groovy Kind of Love – Phil Collins
(A simple remake of a simple tune )
Skyhigh – Jigsaw
(So dramatic!)
Wait for Me (Live) – Hall & Oates
(Daryll Hall’s voice is divine)
Magic - Pilot
Of course, this song went horribly commercial. Damn sellouts – the lot of you! Anyway, this song is just so happy, I could scream, like, forever…
Voices or If You Want My Love – Cheap Trick
A couple lesser-known Cheap Trick songs. Give them a listen and I’m sure you’ll concur
Any Tears for Fears songs
Soaring and heartfelt songs, good vocals. This is my FOUR LEAF CLOVAHHH!
Baby Jane & Passion - Rod Stewart (aka “Hot Legs”)
I’ve always liked the part of Rod’s career that he’s the most embarrassed about
Love is Like Oxygen – Sweet
This song is so epic. Again, high drama
Sailing – Chris Cross
There. I said it…and on national television. Such a gentle, pretty song. If you ever get to hear why he wrote it, you might like it that much more!
Andy Gibb – Everlasting Love (Heavenly voices together.)
Make a Move on Me
A Little More Love & Suddenly
– Olivia Newton John
(I’m starting to feel naked right about now. Please stop looking at me.)
Could it be Magic – Barry Manilow
Okay, really…stop with the blank stare. This song is really amazing in its own right – big love, big love!
Strange Way – Firefall
Kinda weird but cool song – with some crazy flute solo in the middle.
Strange Magic - ELO
(ELO kinda doesn’t really belong on this list for some reason but the haunting intro of this song just stops my heart a little.
The Party’s Over – Journey
Journey actually didn’t suck…Steve Perry has one of the best voices in R&R and Neal Schon was no slacker.
It’s Over & Turn Me Loose – Loverboy
Great but somewhat maligned band. Mike Reno’s bratty voice is a bit of a turn-on.)
I Think I Love You – La Partridge Famille
Actually another kind of creepy song that will stick to you like bubblegum. I snuck into a show in Las Vegas with David Cassidy performing a few years ago. He’s awesome…kinda.
You Should Be Dancing - The Bee Gees
A really kick-ass song actually – Barry Gibb screeching in that crazy falsetto of his at the end of the song…and I think there’s a cowbell in there, for good measure.
Baby Come Back - Player
I think Korn was influenced by Player…maybe not.
Lights & Lady
– Styx
Nights on Broadway - The Bee Gees
A lovely song about stalking…nice. But the point being, the Bee Gees are awesome and they rock out more than you think they do)
Crazy Love
Heart of the Night
– Poco
* Like China
* Just a Job To Do
* Taking it All Too Hard
* You Might Recall
- Phil Collins + Genesis
* Keep it Coming Love
* Get Down Tonite
- KC & the Sunshine Band
(Who could hate on KC& the Sunshine band?)
Isn’t it Time - The Babies
I’m not a big fan of that silly single from solo Mr. Waite but this song is special.)
I’m In You – Peter Framptom
Love is the Answer - Todd Rundgren
I Can Read Your Mind - Alan Parsons Project
Another creepy but pretty tune. Who the hell was in that band, anyway? I think they were computer generated.
If you ‘d like to quietly wave a flag for some closeted tunes of your own, please send them my way.
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